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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Just Beachy Tutorial

I am trying to learn to write up tutorials. This is my very first try at one.
I was taught in a class on facebook called 'Tutorial Writing 101' by Jodieleigh's Creations'.
If you would like to learn to do tutorials, you can find the group here:

And now onto my tutorial.

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Just Beachy
Tutorial by: Edith's Creativeness

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Scrapkit 'Just Beachy' by Tasha's Playground
You can get it HERE

Tube 'Angel' - an exclusive at PFD
Tube can begotten with a Exclusive Club Membership HERE

Program used: Jasc Paint Shop Pro 9

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This tutorial is written with the understanding that the user has a good working knowledge of PSP.
Any similarities is strictly coincidental.

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Let's begin!

Open a 600x600 new image canvas – transparent background.

Open element 'water' and re-size to 450x187.
Copy and paste to new canvas.

Open element 'frame 3' and re-size to 450x452.
Copy and paste as new layer to canvas over water.
Position the water where you like in the frame.
Remove the water that is outside of the frame, you can do this by using your eraser tool.

Open element 'sand' and re-size to 450x187.
Copy and paste as a new layer to canvas over frame.
Position as you like over the frame.

Open element 'palm tree' and re-size to 350x486.
Copy and paste as a new layer to canvas over sand.
Position as you like over the sand.

Open your choice of tube and re-size to your liking.
I re-sized my choice to 420x364.
Copy and paste as a new layer to canvas.
Position as you like.

Open paper 3 and re-size to 410x410.
Copy and paste as a new layer to canvas behind all layers.
Use your eraser tool to remove any of the paper that is sticking outside the frame.

Now add a drop shadow to all your elements and tube (except for the paper) to your liking.
Adding a drop shadow will make your tag pop instead of giving it that flat look.
I used these settings: 3, 2, 60, 5.

Add your copyright information and your license number to your tag.
I use 'Arial' font size 8 to do mine. I also used the plugin of Eye Candy Gradient Glow with a width of 4 to go around my copyright and license information in the color choice of bfd4de.
Merge visible laters together. Give your creation a name and save as a blank copy.

Now, add a name to your tag in your font of choice.
I used font 'Seaside Heights' in size 72. Color choice was 00266c.
Merge down and re-save.

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Thank you for trying out my tutorial.