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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Zindy Tag Show Offs

Earlier this month, one of my all-time favorite artists asked me to be a part of their summer CT.
I was so thrilled. So excited. Jumping for joy!

But then my computer decided it wanted to stop working and I just freaked out. I just got this amazing news, and then my computer does this to me. How was I going to be able to make tags using my favorite artist's tubes if I had no way to get on my computer to do so.

So, on my daughter's computer I downloaded everything I needed and was so happy that it was able to hold everything that I needed (and some of what I wanted So now I was thrilled, excited, jumping for joy again. I was able to design for her now.

So here are some of my summer CT creations using the amazingly beautiful artwork of Zindy S. D. Nielsen.
You can find all of these stunning tubes in her store at

Using tube 'A Broken Promise'

Using tube 'Dark Snow White'

Using tube 'Summer Star'

Using tube 'Summer Rose'

Using tube 'Delicate'

Using tube 'Going Home'

Using tube 'Oceanic Friends'