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Saturday, January 3, 2015

PTU Tut - Christmas Fun

Christmas Fun

Tutorial by: Edith's Creativeness
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Scrapkit 'A Verymany Christmas' by Amy Marie
(No longer in stores)

Tube 'Twins' by Katharine at PicsForDesign
You can purchase it HERE

Mask of your choice.
I am using Vix_BigMas018 by VixPSP.

Font of your choice.
I am using the font 'Callie-Mae'.

Program used: Jasc Paint Shop Pro 9

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This tutorial is written with the understanding that the user has a good working knowledge of PSP.
This tutorial is written by me, and any similarities is strictly coincidental.

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Let's begin!

Open a 600x600 new image canvas – transparent background.

Open your tube and re-size to 360x540.
Copy and paste as a new layer to canvas.
Position as you like.

Open the tree2 element and re-size to 374x540.
Copy and paste as a new layer onto canvas.
Move below your tube.
Position as you like.

Open the bag element and re-size to 164x200.
Copy and paste as a new layer onto canvas.
Position as you like.

Open the box2 element and re-size to 100x79.
Copy and paste as a new layer onto canvas.
Position as you like.

Open the box4 element and re-size to 88x78.
Copy and paste as a new layer onto canvas.
Position as you like.

Open the box1 element and re-size to 108x85.
Copy and paste as a new layer onto canvas.
Position as you like.

Open the box3 element and re-size to 72x54.
Copy and paste as a new layer onto canvas.
Position as you like.

Open element 13 and re-size to 122x154.
Copy and paste as a new layer onto canvas.
Position as you like.

Open the catnhat element and re-size to 135x82.
Copy and paste as a new layer onto canvas.
Position as you like.

Open element 11.
Copy and paste as a new layer onto canvas.
Position as you like.
Duplicate. Mirror.

Open element 9 and re-size to 89x85.
Copy and paste as a new layer onto canvas.
Position as you like.

Open element 10 and re-size to 89x85.
Copy and paste as a new layer onto canvas.
Position as you like.

Open paper 5 and re-size to 600x600.
Copy and paste as a new layer to canvas.
Move that layer to very bottom.
Apply mask of choice.
I am using Vix_BigMas018 by VixPSP.
Merge group.

Now add a drop shadow to all your elements and tube (except for the paper) to your liking.
Adding a drop shadow will make your tag pop instead of giving it that flat look.
I used these settings: 3, 2, 60, 5.

Add your copyright information and your license number to your tag.
I use 'Arial' font size 8 to do mine in the color black. I also used the plugin of Eye Candy Gradient Glow with a width of 5 to go around my copyright and license information in the color choice of 75a920.
Merge visible layers together. Give your creation a name and save as a blank copy.

Now, add a name to your tag in your font of choice.
I used font 'Callie-Mae' in size 16. Color choice was black.
Merge down and re-save.
