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Thursday, April 16, 2015

PTU Tut - Zombie Dreams

Zombie Dreams

Tutorial by: Edith's Creativeness
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Scrapkit 'I Want Your Skull' by Gimptastic Scraps at The PSP Project
You can get this kit HERE

Tube 'Zombie Diva 59' by Rob Sacchetto Storm at The PSP Project
You can purchase it HERE

Mask of your choice.
I am using WLS_Mask116 by WeeScotsLass

Font of your choice.
I am using the font 'Disgusting Behavior'.

Program used: Jasc Paint Shop Pro 9

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This tutorial is written with the understanding that the user has a good working knowledge of PSP.
This tutorial is written by me, and any similarities is strictly coincidental.

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Let's begin!

Open a 700x700 new image canvas – transparent background.

Open fallenlog.
Copy and paste as a new layer onto canvas.
Position as you like.

Open your tube and re-size to 392x392.
Copy and paste as a new layer onto canvas.
Position as you like.

Open tombstone and re-size to 109x160.
Copy and paste as a new layer onto canvas.
Position as you like.
Re-open tombstone if you closed it, and re-size to 145x213
Copy and paste as a new layer onto canvas.
Position as you like it.

Open cat and re-size to 114x136.
Copy and paste as a new layer onto canvas.
Position as you like.

Open crow and re-size to 90x90.
Copy and paste as a new layer onto canvas.
Position as you like.

Open branch and re-size to 109x29.
Copy and paste as a new layer onto canvas.
Position as you like.
Duplicate two times and move them about as you like.

Open scorpion and re-size to 64x43.
Copy and paste as a new layer onto canvas.
Position as you like.

Open skull1 and re-size to 63x80.
Copy and paste as a new layer onto canvas.
Position as you like.

Open moon and re-size to 175x175.
Copy and paste as a new layer onto canvas.
Position as you like.

Open bat and re-size to 135x64.
Copy and paste as a new layer onto canvas.
Position as you like.
Duplicate. Mirror.
Position as you like.

Open paper 10 and re-size to 700x700.
Copy and paste as a new layer onto canvas.
Move that layer to very bottom.
Add a new raster layer.
Using your paint brush, and the color black, darken the bottom half of the new raster layer. Now merge your new raster layer and your paper layer together.
Apply mask of choice.
I am using WLS_Mask116 by WeeScotsLass.
Merge group.

Now add a drop shadow to all your elements and tube (except for the paper and the tubes under the frame) to your liking.
Adding a drop shadow will make your tag pop instead of giving it that flat look.
I used these settings: 3, 2, 60, 5.

Add your copyright information and your license number to your tag.
I use 'Arial' font size 8 to do mine in the color black. I also used the plugin of Eye Candy Gradient Glow with a width of 3 to go around my copyright and license information in the color choice of b07f4f.
Merge visible layers together. Give your creation a name and save as a blank copy.

Now, add a name to your tag in your font of choice.
I used font 'Disgusting Behavior' in size 48. Color choice was black.
Merge down and re-save.
