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Monday, March 16, 2015

FTU Tut - Broken Over You

Broken Over You

Tutorial by: Edith's Creativeness
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Scrapkit 'Longing' by Gimptastic Scraps
You can get this kit HERE

Tube 'Broken Hearted' by Camilla at The PSP Project
You can purchase it HERE

Mask of your choice.
I am using Vix_BigMask018 by Vix's PSP Masks

Font of your choice.
I am using the font 'Sanaa Script'.

Program used: Jasc Paint Shop Pro 9

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This tutorial is written with the understanding that the user has a good working knowledge of PSP.
This tutorial is written by me, and any similarities is strictly coincidental.

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Let's begin!

Open a 600x600 new image canvas – transparent background.

Open frame2 and re-size to 375x362.
Copy and paste as a new layer onto canvas.
Position as you like.
Open your tube and re-size to 241x362.
Copy and paste as a new layer onto canvas.
Position as you like.
Duplicate it.
Move one layer to below the frame.
Using your eraser tool, erase any of the tube that is sticking out over top of the bottom part of the frame.
Make the frame layer your active layer.
Using your magic wand tool, click inside of the frame.
Go to selections, modify, expand, and expand by 8 pixels.
Open paper1 and re-size to 450x450.
Copy and paste as a new layer onto canvas.
Move layer to below your bottom tube layer and make sure it covers the inside of your frame.
Go to selections, invert, hit delete on your keyboard. Go back to selections, and select none. Move the paper to below your bottom tube layer.

Open the bottle element.
Copy and paste as a new layer onto canvas.
Position as you like.

Open the pillow element.
And re-size to 201x196.
Got to adjust, sharpness, sharpen.
Copy and paste as a new layer onto canvas.
Position as you like.

Open the heart1 element.
Copy and paste as a new layer onto canvas.
Position as you like.

Open the leaves element and re-size to 130x109.
Copy and paste as a new layer onto canvas.
Position as you like.

Open the ribbon element and re-size to 202x119.
Copy and paste as a new layer onto canvas.
Position as you like.

Open the ring element and re-size to 32x21.
Copy and paste as a new layer onto canvas.
Position on the heart where the bow is tied. After zooming in to where you can see clear enough, using your eraser tool erase some of the ring so that it looks like the ring is hanging from the bow on the heart. Look at my tag for example.

Open the flower2 element and re-size to 114x113.
Copy and paste as a new layer onto canvas.
Position as you like.

Open paper 7 and re-size to 600x600.
Copy and paste as a new layer onto canvas.
Move that layer to very bottom.
Apply mask of choice.
I am using Vix_BigMask018 by Vix's PSP Masks.
Merge group.

Now add a drop shadow to all your elements and tube (except for the paper and the tubes under the frame) to your liking.
Adding a drop shadow will make your tag pop instead of giving it that flat look.
I used these settings: 3, 2, 60, 5.

Add your copyright information and your license number to your tag.
I use 'Arial' font size 8 to do mine in the color black. I also used the plugin of Eye Candy Gradient Glow with a width of 3 to go around my copyright and license information in the color choice of 7e7e7e.
Merge visible layers together. Give your creation a name and save as a blank copy.

Now, add a name to your tag in your font of choice.
I used font 'Sanaa Script' in size 48. Color choice was 94270e.
Convert layer to a vector layer. Go to selections, select all, float, de-float, modify, and then expand by 3 pixels. Choose another color that matches your tube. I used the color choice of ffffff. Add another layer to your work area over the name you typed that is still selected. Select your flood fill tool and fill in the selected area with the second color you just picked. Go to selections, and select none. Give that layer a drop shadow. Then move it below the other name and merge those two layers together. Move the name to where you want it to be.
Merge down and re-save.
